Newly widowed
Helpful advice and suggestions for newly widowed people
If you have found your way to this page and are newly widowed, we want you to know that you are not alone on this journey.
When you are able, please reach out to others in our widowed community. The connection and understanding they can offer you will most likely end up being your greatest source of strength.
Grief turns your world inside out and back to front. Everything that once made sense to you, no longer does. It can be an incredibly confusing, painful and lonely time.
Grief is a personal and individual experience
What is helpful or useful for one, may have the opposite effect on another
Try not to compare your journey with that of others. There is no right or wrong way to grieve and there is no timeframe. There is only you and grief and what is best for you. You are the person to best judge that. Listen to your heart.
Be gentle with yourself. You are experiencing a major life event, one that you could never prepare for. You are doing the absolute best you can right now and that is more than ok.
This guide has been written by widowed people who have walked this path and drawn from their personal experiences. We hope the information within the following pages, available from the links below, may be helpful to you at this time.
Newly widowed - what to expect
It might be hard now, but in time, things will feel easier. You have got this. Look after yourself, take it a day at a time, and we promise: you will be okay in time.
Learn more
Newly widowed - self care
One day at a time; things will feel better. While it may be hard to imagine now, you can feel happiness, peace and joy again. You can go on adventures you never expected.
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Newly widowed - getting organised
There can be significant paperwork, financial responsibilities and general organisation that has to happen following the loss of your partner.
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Newly widowed - caring for grieving children
Supporting grieving children can be challenging, but it’s important to be honest, listen to them, and seek additional help if needed. Grieving is a natural and healthy part of life, and it’s okay to grieve in front of your children.
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Newly widowed - what's next?
Many widowed people tell us they feel overwhelmed with support after their loved one has died. Family and friends fly in and the house can seem busier than ever while people rally around to help and care for you.
Learn more
Hope, community, understanding
Join our community for access to information, resources, events, and a network of widowed people for peer support. Joining is free, with options to become a financial supporter to keep us running and helping others.